establish internet connection with c++

Hello that's my first post here I hope I'll be succesfull.

I'm trying to create a program which establiches an internet connection I mean it tries to access the internet acquiring an IP. I have no idea of how to do this. I read that there are some commnand for accessing internet pages, but I haven't found any command for establishing a internet connection.

I have a dial up connection and a normal PC (no Lan). Is there any possibility of accomplishing this task. It would be very helpful if you could tell me if it's possible and to show me the code or to sen me a link to a tutorial.

You need to study up on something called sockets. This site,, might be helpful if you don't mind installing 3rd party libraries.

The idea isn't that you're accessing "internet pages" but rather that you are communicating with other applications over ports. I've actually been reading up on this myself and I still find it more than a bit confusing. Sockets implementation is a bit OS/platform specific since so try Googling for a sockets tutorial for your specific OS/platform.

Good luck!
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