Using the OS's PATH var during system() call?

Hello, how do you read Wndow's path variable during the system() call? I've finally figured out how to chain together arguments during a system call using &, but it seems like it's not recognizing window's PATH variable, so it can't find a program that's been specified in the PATH variable. It acts like this little special system() console window has no knowledge that a typical command prompt has (The regular cmd prompt finds the program, no problem.).

For example, I have defined the path for the sox program in Window's PATH var and so I can type in 'sox' wherever I am in the file system in the command prompt and it'll execute it, but it won't recognize sox during the system() call to execute because it's assumably not getting the PATH. And, I could specify it, but that's kind of the point of the PATH, so that I don't have to and I wouldn't know where it might be.
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I recommend you read the Windows command line documentation. Specifically, how to use environment variables.
Is there a specific repository for this official "Windows command line documentation"? Since my google searches thus far have produced far too incoherent results, a condescending but precise answer would be pretty helpful.
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