Apr 9, 2022 at 2:29pm
Buenas a todos, estoy necesitando hacer un ejecutable win32 donde pueda pedir un numero de puerto para enviar un numero por puerto serie, lo unico que necesito hacer es enviar un numero.
Intente usando la libreria bios.h pero siempre me da algun error y queria saber si hay alguna manera un poco mas "casera" de hacer lo mismo.
No necesito que sea nada complejo, solo pedir un numero de puerto y el dato a enviar que es un numero entre -2500 y 2500.

Quien pueda tirarme una mano lo agradeceria mucho.
Apr 9, 2022 at 3:00pm
Translated using Google Translate:

Hello everyone, I need to make a win32 executable where I can ask for a port number to send a number through a serial port, all I need to do is send a number.
I tried using the bios.h library but it always gives me an error and I wanted to know if there is a more "homemade" way to do the same.
I don't need anything complex, just ask for a port number and the data to send, which is a number between -2500 and 2500.

Anyone who can lend me a hand I would greatly appreciate it.

Write code you believe fulfills your needs, post it here and we can advise you. We will not write the code for you, especially for free.

Since you are asking about a Win32 app you should ask in English your question/request.

And move/post this in the Windows Programming forum, not here.
Last edited on Apr 9, 2022 at 3:02pm
Apr 9, 2022 at 3:55pm
Apr 9, 2022 at 6:44pm
it is important to decide if a number is in binary or text form. If in binary, it is important to understand the byte-order being used and to match it.

if you only have one computer, you can use a null modem cable or, if you lack one, a piece of wire to flip the tx & rx channels to test your code easily.

bios.h was used under DOS in 1990.

almost everything modern will use the classic N,8,1 configuration. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/8-N-1#:~:text=8%2DN%2D1%20is%20a,for%20PC%20serial%20communications%20today.

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