problem when moving from 32 to 64 platform

Pages: 1234
Mar 5, 2022 at 3:43pm

That code example you used from cppreference.

Where does it mention std::views::reverse is an apparent "alias" for std::ranges::views::reverse? Only the example code as far as I can tell. Not an auspicious bit of help.

And you wonder why I opined <ranges> adds a bit of complexity that at first glance is a bit impenetrable to someone learning about the library? std::views::reverse doesn't look like it would be a part of <ranges>. Maybe some other library like <views>? (which I do know doesn't exist, BTW).

BTW, I first discovered the C++20 way to do reversed range-based for loops here:

At least the above article mentions both the short form alias and the full blown bit of textual diarrhea being available outside of a code snippet, rather matter of fact with no explanation other than "here is what it is." M'ok, I can accept that. And remember it.

<ranges> is a library I have little experience working with outside of std::views::reverse. I have yet to find any decent tutorials dealing with the library in any form other than brief code snippets.

Being self-taught and a hobbyist makes it hard to get a handle on new coding ideas more often than not. I don't live and breathe the intricacies of the C++ standard as some others do. <ranges> is a dense, dark forest for me at this time.
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