Scheduling systems: batch vs preemptive

I'm having trouble understanding the thorough differences between the two, but I know it is in the following:

For Batch:
-Processes are preempted in order to more effectively share the CPU core.
-Processes are allowed to run for some maximum allowed time (time-slice).
-Select the next process to schedule when current process blocks.
-Processes are not preempted and they execute until completion.
-All of the above?

For Preemptive: (same options)
-Processes are preempted in order to more effectively share the CPU core.
-Processes are allowed to run for some maximum allowed time (time-slice).
-Select the next process to schedule when current process blocks.
-Processes are not preempted and they execute until completion.
-none of the above?
Do you not have course notes for this?

“Batch” is an old word for “non-preemptive”. Thus you have preemptive scheduling and non-preemptive scheduling.

A time-slice is a vocabulary word directly related to one of these concepts. You should have notes on this.

Look up your notes, read your textbook, or apply some Google-fu. It’ll be much better for you.

Fixed a stupid mitstake.
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I figured it out, batch allows for selecting the next process to schedule and they are not pre-empted, whilst preemptive processes are preempted in order to more effectively share the CPU core and allow to run for a time-slice period. Thank you.
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