{} usage in template specialization/call

I am trying to uderstand beter a teplate code:
request.setOpt (CO::Url {string {K.url_base} + "public/" + K.query_url});

Where I can read about this type of call (specialization)

SO... Template <> not used but template{}

What is this type of {} syntax?
How to interpret this code ? (obviously call of template function, but ... strange). How is this syntax called? Is there a term ?

The code is from the public CurlPP project

Any help is wellcome. Thanks in advance.
It has nothing to do with templates, it's the uniform initialization syntax. string {K.url_base} constructs a string object by passing K.url_base to the constructor.
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More info (more connected code):
namespace curlpp
namespace options
typedef curlpp::OptionTrait<std::string, CURLOPT_URL> Url;
namespace DMBCS {
namespace C = curlpp;
namespace CO = C::Options;
template<typename OptionType, CURLoption option>
OptionTrait<OptionType, option>::OptionTrait(typename Option<OptionType>::ParamType value)
: Option<OptionType>(option, value)
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Thank you
Another look at uniform initialization, a feature added in C++11:

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