How to make different comments different colors in Visual Studio Code?

I'm trying to define what my code is doing as I go along so I don't get confused when I come back to it later - but my project has comments describing what each function does, so it's all too much of the same color.

I've looked online but I don't really see anything that can change the color of different comment types (/* */ or //). Is this possible? Thank you so much for the help.
It's not possible.

If it's "too much of the same color" then you're commenting too much. This is bad, because (in real work with a real development cycle) there's no way you'll be able to keep them updated as the code evolves.
you can change xml comment to another color and use /// for those.
because they count as // it works in c++ and is actually often used for document generation programs.

you can also use notepad++ to edit the code instead and define other comments. they would still have to be legal c++ comments, but eg you could define /*. or /*% or whatever to color it up.
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