This place was so helpful so many times with c++, so I dare to ask a question about openmp just in case someone has and is willing to share . I apologize in advance if questions not directly related to c++ should not be asked here.
I read some tutorials yet got only the impression that it is not simple to break out of the parallelism in openmp, but I don't have the enough knowledge to understand how to do it properly.
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#pragma omp parallel shared(monomer, rotation, nom)
#pragma omp single nowait
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nom; i++)
#pragma omp task firstprivate(i)
if (intersecting_serial(monomer, rotation, i))
#pragma omp atomic write
checker = true;
I would need to stop everything as soon as checker gets the true. What is the best way to do that?