Linker error to boost::mpi

Dear experts

I confront the problem in linking error using boost::mpi which is included in my static library.
The error is almost due to undefined reference to not boost::mpi but to MPI variables & functions such as
ompi_mpi_comm_null, MPI::Comm::Comm() etc.

When I build the static library which uses boost::mpi & MPI, successfully link is finished. I feel that this is due to some linker options or dependent relation of libraries in the linking stage of executable using the static library.

I would appreciate it if you could help me.
I am still tackling this problem.

Seemingly, the static library is dealt as openMPI-based one though I use Intel-MPI-based one (MPICH-like). Though to build my static library succeeded, the library is based on openmpi.

I suppose that boost::mpi is generic library able to adapt to openmpi, intel mpi, and mpich.

Could you know how to force boost::mpi to use one of the above three implementations?

Kind regards
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