VC++ 2010 graphics library

I am trying to get started with openGL graphics library.. I do not have any knowledge about computer graphics so I searched the internet for some tutorials for getting started with openGL, I even have a book "Beginning OpenGL Game programming" its a bit old edition though, maybe 2005..

Well, I am using Visual C++ 2010 version because I am using Windows 7....
Now, When I tried to compile the source code given in the book, in VC++,
there were numerous errors about variables and function identifiers undefined..
I think that is probably because openGL keeps updating and they are new features, so there are changes made in functions prototypes etc and the book maybe uses older version of openGL...

I want you guys to help me find a tutorial that works with graphics library given in VC++ 2010, there are two header files in "gl" folder, "GL.h" and "GLU.h"

I searched the MSDN website and found all the functions that are given in the graphics library, but the problem I do not know the basics, I mean about the data types of graphics library etc...

So, Kindly guide me, from where should I learn openGL, I have interest in programming games, I wanted to program games in 2D graphics..

So, help me out..
thanks for the help, but I tried to compile the "Setting up an openGL window" code but there is only one problem, the arguments given in the calling function "messagebox" does not match in the windows.h header... :(

and plus, this tutorial is using Visual C++ 2006 version, I have 2010.. :(
MessageBox won't have changed. CWnd has a MessageBox method that wraps the Windows API version. Perhaps you're confusing the two.
in VC++ 2010 windows.h , message box function takes 4 parameters, and in the tutorial code, 3 parameters are given, plus the last two are not even compatible.. sorry if I annoy you with my n00bness :)...
CWnd wraps the HWND parameter, so the 3 parameters of the CWnd method match the last 3 paramters of the API version.
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