I have this code that uses gradebook and student files to create a gradebook and stores student names and grades. When launching the file is asks for a name for the gradebook and uses that information to do the rest of the program. I want to remove that, so it doesn't ask for a name for the gradebook, but instead just has a standard name for the gradebook and does the rest by reference. How would I go about doing this? Is there anyway to remove the enum global constants as well? Also any tips for improving the code or making it look better would be appreciated!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Gradebook.h"
//Global declarations: Constants and type definitions only -- NO variables
enum choices
//Function prototypes
void ChoiceMenu(choices menuChoice, Gradebook& gbook);
choices getChoice(bool& bquit);
int main()
//Variable declarations
std::string gname;
bool quit = false; // looping bool
//Program logic
std::cout << "Please enter a name for your gradebook with no spaces: " << std::endl;
std::cin >> gname;
Gradebook g1(gname);
std::cout << "List of Options:\nAdd (A):\nList (L):\nQuit (Q):\nChoice:";
ChoiceMenu(getChoice(quit), g1); // gets user choices, flips bool on QUIT, and gives access to each feature A, L, Q
} while (!quit); // quit is negated because in functions it is used in, it's more readable to have it become true rather than become false
//Closing program statements
return 0;
//Function definitions
void ChoiceMenu(choices menuChoice, Gradebook& gbook) // reference to make sure gradebook can be changed within scope of other functions
switch (menuChoice)
case ADD:
if (gbook.GetNumStudents() < 3)
std::string studentName;
std::cout << "Enter last name:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> studentName;
std::cout << "There are already 3 students in the gradebook." << std::endl;
case LIST:
if (gbook.GetNumStudents() == 0)
std::cout << "There are no students in the gradebook." << std::endl;
case QUIT:
// getChoice already flips this bool, ending the loop. Leaving case to prevent ambiguity and misunderstanding.
choices getChoice(bool& bquit)
char userChoice;
std::cin >> userChoice;
if (userChoice == 'a' || userChoice == 'A')
return ADD;
elseif (userChoice == 'l' || userChoice == 'L')
return LIST;
elseif (userChoice == 'q' || 'Q')
bquit = true;
return QUIT;
return choices();
do you want the same name every time or a standard pattern?
you stop asking user and hard code it in a constant, and if its a pattern append to that, eg:
const string pattern = "filenamepattern";
static int num = 1000;
string gname = pattern+stoi(num++)+".dat";
Gradebook g1(gname);
//first one will be filenamepattern1000.dat, second will be filenamepattern1001.dat .. etc
Ok So I changed my Source file a little bit. All of my "gbook." is getting undefined. Im not sure how to identify it so it runs correctly. Is there a problem with how I set up my switch?
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "Gradebook.h"
int main()
//Variable declarations
const std::string gname = "Gradebook.dat";
Gradebook g(gname);
char userChoice;
while (1)
std::cout << "List of Options:\nAdd (A):\nList (L):\nQuit (Q):\nChoice:";
switch (userChoice) // reference to make sure gradebook can be changed within scope of other functions
std::cin >> userChoice;
std::cout << "That is not a valid option, please enter 'A' to add a student, 'L' to list current students, or 'Q' to quit the program." << std::endl;
if (userChoice == 'a' || userChoice == 'A' || gbook.GetNumStudents() < 3)
std::string studentName;
std::cout << "Enter last name:" << std::endl;
std::cin >> studentName;
else (userChoice == 'a' || userChoice == 'A' || gbook.GetNumStudents() > 3);
std::cout << "There are already 3 students in the gradebook." << std::endl;
if (userChoice == 'l' || userChoice == 'L')
else (gbook.GetNumStudents() == 0);
std::cout << "There are no students in the gradebook." << std::endl;
if ((userChoice == 'q' || 'Q'))
std::cout << "Thank you for using the Gradebook! Now exiting.." << std::endl;
// getChoice already flips this bool, ending the loop. Leaving case to prevent ambiguity and misunderstanding.
Nothing in your code declares anything called gbook. On line 9, you declare something called g. Is it supposed to be that?
EDIT: I have to ask - why didn't you look for that? Surely, if you get an error saying a symbol is undefined, the very first thing you would think of doing is looking for the definition, and confirming whether there is or ism't one?