network programing for client server application

Object of the Task:
I must be able to communicate and access other systems in a network using a program in C++.

Requirements for the Task:
Step 1:

An application is needed to be developed in C++ which is based on network programming (Unix or Windows with Socket programming model).
The Application need to have all the instructions set up to communicate(bi-directional communication) with the other systems on the same network and get a particular task done.

Step 2:

This particular application should communicate with different systems in that particular network through TCP/IP from a Master System( kind of server).
In-case the network has 2 or more systems that are used for testing,
The request that is sent from the Master to the Client1 system to begin/perform a task, an acknowledgment of the task(i.e., instructions needed for the task) should be sent from start till the end.
The end result should be displayed or saved as log file on the Master system.
If there are more systems in the network which need the same task to be performed, the task needs to be repeated for the rest of them and the result needs to be maintained in a log file on the Master as separate files.

If I run an application which contains some Pre-defined instructions for logging onto messengers/applications of different systems through a network, Application should perform the task of logging in and if the task has been obstructed due to any errors(in-case of failure), it should reply about it in the network or save it as log files.If the task is successful, it should reply about the status as well.

End of Task.

I am unaware of how to approach the solution. I have nil knowledge of the Socket communications model or C++ programming. I would be grateful to you if you can find some time for me and give me some knowledge on the following task and Idea on how to start with this. It would be of great help if I can get to know the appropriate books to follow as well.

We can either do a "Go to Meeting" voice and screen chat or I can give you a call if it doesn't cost you.
Please let me know your availability to discuss about it further in detail.

Appreciate your help!

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I'm thinking that it wasn't too good to undertake a task requiring knowledge of something that you have absolutely no experience with. Since, I'm assuming this, you chose to work on projects like this you already have an understanding of some other programming language, why not use that?

If you have absolutely no programming experience, this project will likely be a flop for several reasons. Firstly, gaining a mastery of C++ to the point where you understand nearly all of the components thoroughly (which is a necessity for a project like this) will take quite a bit of time and will almost require that you make other experimental projects for a better understanding. Secondly, we are given information on how the client and server will communicate, but we aren't given any idea of what they will be sending. We don't know if we're supposed to be making an API, if we're supposed to be making an instant messaging program (what's mentioned above is an example), or if we're supposed to have a program that handles messages and gives other programs an interface to obtain these messages. If this is a program, we're also given no idea of what the interface should be like, whether they'd like command-line or a visual interface. Not enough information is given for a project that won't exactly be simple. I suggest you ask for more information pertaining to specifics in the software itself.

However, those comments are based off of the assumption that this task was assigned by a company for you to complete either on your own or with a team. In the case that it's just a test of your abilities and that you can simply wing it and make whatever application you like while following the given guidelines, well, that's a whole different story. The tutorials given here are definitely sufficient for learning C++, and if you have any questions we're (well, maybe not me) always here to answer them. As for socket programming, I suggest using SFML's networking extension or the SDL_net library since they give the same API across all targeted operating systems, making porting to another OS much simpler. Get those two parts done and then come back with your question.
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