Please answer its important to me

Pages: 12
You guys make me crack up.
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So.. Wait, Is it B or C?! or D?!

I thought it was C, but that's because I'm a psychic, and as such; mentally retarded.
B is true, which means it must be behind D.
Door A: It’s behind B or C
Door B: It’s behind A or D
Door C: It’s in here
Door D: It’s not in here

You know that only one of the inscriptions is true.

Suppose the spirit is behind door A. Then...

inscription A is false
inscription B is true
inscription C is false
inscription D is true

We have two true inscriptions, so it can't be A.

If you check B and C in the same way, you'll see that you can reject them too. Only D can be the right answer.

EDIT: As jmc noticed in his first reply.
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Pages: 12