FAT file system

Pages: 12
How to implement FAT file system in C++,any helping material, i can't read the partition table also??
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There is plenty of documentation online of the FAT16 and FAT32 file system formats at a bit level.
if u hav any link tel me,and also helping source code
dear i want built FAT mounter,which takes FAT drive and provides me information related to drive and also Files.
which is the starting point where i started to built the mounter?
FUSE is your starting point:
dear how to read the partition table of FAT drive?
There are no FAT drives, only FAT partitions and those don't have partition tables.
But all of that and much more is explained in the link helios posted.
ok how to read FAT table?
Google for fatgen103.doc
i read the MBR with the help of BPB but i hav problem how to write the directory structure,and how to move with in directory,i am using eclipse C++ for this project.
I have a book about developing file system. But I am not sure that there is information about FAT
i want information related to FAT,ok plz tel me the link where u got this book?
plz tel me as soon as posbl.i hav no time.
The document Null posted has all the information on FAT. It's not called the specification for nothing.
i read this document, but i have problem to write the generic Function of directory.which works for all FAT(FAT12,FAT16,FAT32) and i have no idea what type of information compulsri for writing directory function,
anybody have no idea??????
how to write the directory structure of FAT??
o.O It seems as if you want someone to tell you exactly how to do this. I doubt anyone is going to have the time or inclination to do it.

You'll just have to spend more time programming and reading the specification until it makes sense to you.

Maybe if you provided the code you already have and where you are having specific difficulties as well as what steps you've taken towards solving your problem, someone would be more forthcoming with help.

u mite want 2 ! use 733t speek 2

My 2 cents
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ok sir i want to build the FAT mounter,can u help me ,from which point i start working?
Pages: 12