Since when are negative floating points supported in C++?

I never needed negative floating points in my projects, and also in addition I heard somewhere lol, that negative floats and doubles are not supported by standard.

I just wrote following just to miraculously discover that negative floating points do work :)

float x = -4.3;
float y = 4.2;
cout << x + y << endl;

Program output:

So what's the trick with negative floating points, are they supported by standard or not?
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are they supported by standard or not?
Of course they are and it was always so.
Of course they are and it was always so.

hm, ok, I must have been living on another planet.
Most bizarre question ever.

Even the Z3 (1943) had floating point. And of course it had negative numbers!
...and C before it.

@malibor, don't sweat it though, all of us run into something we didn't realize was there.
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