
closed account (G6ko1hU5)
1. void fillEmployees (string names [50], int salaries [50] [4], int N) that asks the user to input the names and salaries of the N employees and fills the names in the array names and the salaries in two-dimensional array salaries.
2. void printAllEmployees(string names[50], int salaries[50] [4], int N) that prints the names and salaries of all employees in a tabular format
Please, I have to do these as functions but I'm having the struggle to write them and even if they work, I fail to call them in the main.
Note: these functions are in a header file.
Can anyone help me, please?
using namespace std;
/*Function Number(1): asks the user to input the names and salaries of the N employeesand fills
the names in the array namesand the salaries in a two - dimensional array salaries.*/
void fillEmployees(int salaries[50][4], int N){
//for loop to fill only according to the employee number
for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) {
cout << "Enter name and salaries of the employee " << i << " in the four quarters: " << endl;
//entering the names
string names;
getline(cin, names);
//entering the salaries
int salaries[50][4];
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cin >> salaries[i][j];


//Function Number(2): prints the names and salaries of all employees in a tabular format.
void printAllEmployees(string names[50], int salaries[50][4], int N); {
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
cout << salaries[i][j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

cout << endl;

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closed account (G6ko1hU5)
This is my Source.cpp File:
[code]//C++ program that records the salaries of employees in a company during the four quarters of the year.
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You cannot define a [normal] function inside a function. Thus move printAllEmployees(...) outside/before fillEmployees(...). Remove the trailing ;. Line 26 should look like this:

printAllEmployees(names, salaries, N);

Remove line 12 in fillEmployees(...). Change it to a paremater according to 1..
Remove line 15 in fillEmployees(...).

Line 56 in main(...) should look like this:

fillEmployees( employeename, salary, employeesnumb );

Create the variables before the loop in main(...) like so:
string employeename[50];
int salary[4][4];

Further more: The definitions of functione shouldn't be in the header files. Only the prototypes. Otherwise the linker will throw multiple definition when the header is included more than once.
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