Raycasting Engine

May 5, 2019 at 2:01am
I want to make a 3D game HOWEVER i am not very good at 3D modeling and S### like that.

So my solution is to build a game using Raycasting *Or whatever the BUILD engine is*

So i am here to ask where to even F###ing start 0_0
And what math do i need to know to do whatever the Build Engine did
I don't want to use a pre-existing engine as i would prefer my own code and S###

Stupid Question but hey
how else am i going to figure it out
May 5, 2019 at 3:53pm
Honestly I'd just recommend trying your hand at writing a 3D game with OpenGL. Raycasting really isn't used anymore, and most tutorials are just going to give you bad habits.
May 5, 2019 at 4:31pm
yeah the thing is my PC is a total piece of S###.
Newer OpenGL Tutorials wont work as my PC only supports 2.1 ( really stupid i know )
As for Direct3D, not a massive fan of it

But hey thanks for the advice anyway
May 5, 2019 at 4:51pm
OpenGL 2.1 is pretty sufficient to learn the modern concepts you need. Just stay away from intermediate mode. Stick with shaders and VBOs. For the most part the tutorial will work for you. You might need to modify a few things, though. Maybe following an OpenGL ES 2.0 tutorial will be more help. You're fine ;)

Direct3D is probably your better bet to learn graphics programming concepts. I find it much cleaner to use than OpenGL (especially older iterations such as 2.x). There are also a lot of great graphics debuggers available for Direct3D.

Either way, it's pretty easy to switch between both once you've mastered the other.
May 5, 2019 at 6:18pm
Thanks for the advice
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