Can someone explain what is the purpose of the & in the print function and how it works. I tried running this with and without the & and got the same thing

#include <iostream>
struct DateStruct
int year;
int month;
int day;
void print(DateStruct &date)
std::cout << date.year << "/" << date.month << "/" <<;
int main()
DateStruct today{ 2020, 10, 14 }; // use uniform initialization = 16; // use member selection operator to select a member of the struct
return 0;
That is a reference, and instead of making a copy of your today object to pass into the print() function it passes the object itself into the function.

Copying complex data types like your struct can be a performance hit that passing by reference (or pointer) avoids.

Edited to add:

If I were to write this code I'd write the print function so I pass the referenced object as a constant.

void print(const DateStruct& date)

Outputting the struct's member data shouldn't alter the data, if the function does change the data your compiler will flag it as an error.

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