Class Diagramm

Guys here is again a task in German where I had to make a class Diagramm .
The task was:

I think it s easy to understand :

In the following class diagram, insert all the necessary class relationships that meet the paradigms of object-oriented modeling. Include corresponding cardinalities.
Note: The class names are in German for simplicity and without the prefix "C". You do not have to complete any attributes or methods.

Handy Hersteller = mobile developer
Handy von Firma 1 = mobile of Firm 1

Rückkamera = camera on the back side

I hope my Diagramm has no mistakes ?
¿what's the meaning of the dashed lines? (relationships between handy and {kamera, sim, hersteller})
a front camera inherits from camera, ¿but a back camera no?
¿a sim is composed of sd-slots?
¿handy inherits from sim?
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