Upper/lower case

How can I make only my first letter upper case and all of the other letters lower case for the first, middle and last name. This program is a name formalize program, for an example if you wrote Mary Average User it would output User, Mary A. I want to be able to use it under #include <cctype> and it would be something like toupper and tolower with char. Please help me. Thanks

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;

int main()

string name;
cout << "Enter your name: ";

string first, last, middle, output;

string::size_type firstSpace = name.find(' ', 0);

first = name.substr(0, firstSpace);

string::size_type secondSpace = name.find(' ', firstSpace+1);

if(secondSpace == string::npos)

last = name.substr(firstSpace+1);

output = last + ", " + first ;

middle = name.substr(firstSpace+1, secondSpace-firstSpace-1);

last = name.substr(secondSpace+1);

output = last + ", " + first + " " + middle.at(0) + ".";

cout<< output <<endl ;
return 0;
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