So currently I have figured out reading from a .txt file into an array but I need to somehow mix strings into the equation. My function need to do this:
Month Rec Tent RV Back T Overnight
Visitors Campers Campers country Stays
January 6340 27 34 6 67
Feburary 12191 7 7 2 16
March 11548 14 24 10 47
April 36053 323 231 27 581
May 74361 2764 1890 1101 5755
June 256462 4879 1363 2727 8970
July 483291 13797 8823 7038 29658
August 358885 13100 10346 7816 3162
September 141297 8945 10492 2290 21728
October 119175 3193 6164 281 9638
November 22377 337 629 22 988
December 13653 24 20 7 51