Explanation of opengl32.dll ?


i just tried to compile my opengl program by linking with glfw and glew but it gave me an undefined reference error for my call to glClear.

After a bit of googling around i found out that all i had to do was link with opengl32.dll as well.
But this leaves me a bit confused..:

How come i have to link with opengl32.dll if i am already linking with glew?
AFAIK glew is responsible for loading all the opengl function, but why didn't it load glClear?

Also: i believe i heard somewhere that opengl32.dll is actually just a software implementation of opengl, that doesn't use the graphics card, is this true?
and does that mean that my opengl program wont use the graphics card either?

i would really appreciate it if someone could clear some of this up for me :)
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Haven't used it in a while but I remember having to add 4 or so .lib files to my program for GL so it seems 'normal' to me that you need more than 1 library file for the suite.

I can't tell you if whatever it is that you have uses the graphics drivers or not. That should be documented from where you got the library or if not, get a new version that you know what it is doing.
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