next step

Hi guys,

so my question here is what next how do I start to actually learn how bigger and more useful applications are written,and I mean applications like teamviewer,wireshark(packet sniffers),or even things like an IDE

I know I would need to learn some libraries,but I'm at the point where I can solve those algorithm or coding challenges pretty easily(some still get me but I don't find them fun anymore) I want to build something or similar to what I mentioned above,

I know writing something like wireshark or teamviewer would be extremely hard for one person but I'm talking about programs with similar functionality obviously no here near the exact functionality of the two above.

I would like to classy myself as a beginner++ or even intermediate I've been programming for over 2 years now and I have read several books and almost have a computer science degree,so I know how the language "works" and get the concepts of memory management and lower level things that beginners find difficult(I'm no expert but I have a vague understanding)

so how do I bridge that gap how do I start?

adam2016 wrote:
how do I start to actually learn how bigger and more useful applications are written

1. Pick some of the ones that are open source. Find their source code (on github etc).
2. Download the latest version.
3. Build it yourself.
4. Open the issue tracker and find a bug report that you can reproduce.
5. Try to fix.
6. If you got it fixed, submit a pull request
7. goto 4
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