TI calculator c++

I was considering buying a progammable calculator, but after some search i found out both TI and casio ones use some weird basic-like languages with very strict constraints (for example TI only allows float arrays, even if all i need is a boolean).
After desperate searches i ended up in this article:
which seems to tell c++ can be compiled to TI's assembly. But i cannot find any example, i've literally no idea how to interface to the calculator, i feel totally lost in a void lack of everything.
Does anyone know a specific forum that talks about that? Some examples? Just *something*?
I don't even want to buy a 80€+ calculator if i've no idea what i can do with it…

Honestly i'd feel better with a Raspberri-like item, but i'm not the hardware kind of guy, i don't want to mess with pins and microscopic cables to connect some weird displays and keypads without any stable chassis.
Also the fact that both Bing and Google answer to "TI calculator c++" or similar searches with an avalanche of "how to make a simple calculator in c++" doesn't really help xD
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Why not just get an Android smartphone without a line? It runs on ARM like a Pi; it has way more oomph than any programmable calculator; you can program it in Java, C/++, and a number of other languages; and knowing how to program one is a marketable skill.
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