Class Diagramm Problem

Pages: 12
That's better. Any chance of redrawing it, it looks a mess.

Also, you need to show the association multiples, as that's an important part of the design.
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What do you mean with Association Multiples ?
There's exactly one driver, and zero or more passengers.

Your original requirement states different multiples for different type of vehicles. I've chosen to ignore that, here's why.

You can use UML to describe the overall design (as we've done here), or you can refine it further to represent a detailed design (which we haven't done here).

These detailed designs are bordering the realm of programming, and there was a time that folk talked about generating code from UML diagrams. I hope people generally recognize that the UML diagrams then look less like designs and begin to look messy, with lots of different relasionships showing up and cluttering the diagram, and so is a bad idea.

Instead, the higher level analysis diagrams are general useful, and quick and easy to put together (as we've done here).
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kbw are you still there ?
I've been a bit busy.

Still can't be bothered to redraw the diagram?

You may have noticed, I used an online tool to draw something in an earlier post. You can use it for your entire diagram, if that'll help.
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But are there still mistakes in my diagramm ?

Are the multiplicity correct ?
You have to redraw it, it takes 2 minutes. I honestly can't see why you're just scribbling out lines instead of redrawing it.
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Pages: 12