Skipping Error - Program Does Not Restart from The Beginning

I try to make the program restarts when character y is entered. It jumps over the first and asking for the second variable input except on the first run. Is there anything to do with my pointer because y is counted as an empty space input? I tried many different ways to reset my pointer value but to no avail.

Here is my code
You probably have an errant carridge return in your input buffer. Flush your buffer like you do with cin.ignore() on Line 52.
indent your code

		if(c == 'y') {
			delete[] array; //¡¿?!
			restart = true;
`array' becomes invalid there, but you try to use it again inside the loop.

show an example input/output
Thz a lot Computergeek01 (5531). It works nicely, i thought it has something to do with pointer deference. By the way, what is an errant carridge return ?
I am learning c++, so let me know if you have a better idea.
I have added some codes and made comments.

#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <math.h>
//#include "koolplot.h"
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

//This program plots a parabolic function for any input of variables//

void printheader () //Print the header

cout << "Please Enter A,B and C for the parabolic function below" << endl;

cout << "y=Ax^2+Bx+C" << endl;


int getInt (int *x, bool &b)
{ //check for non-integer input

string theInput;

int inputAsInt;

getline (cin, theInput);
while ( () || cin.eof ()
|| theInput.find_first_not_of ("-0123456789.") != std::string::npos)
// it the enter 'y', break it, otherwise, it will go to "Invalid input. Tye again"
if (theInput == "y") {
b = false; // pass out reference

cout << "Invalid input. Try again: ";

if (theInput.find_first_not_of ("-0123456789. ") == std::string::npos)

cin.clear ();

cin.ignore (1000, '\n');

getline (cin, theInput);


std::string::size_type st;

inputAsInt = atoi (theInput.c_str());//Turn string into int

*x = inputAsInt;

return *x;


/*int MathRun (int A, int B, int C,int a, int b) //plot star points for each result
if (A && B && C && a && b != 0)

plotdata x(a, b), y=A*x*x+B*x+C;
return 0;


int main () //ask for variables of parabolic function

bool restart = true;
bool b = true;

int *array;

array = new int[5];

printheader ();

for (int y = 0; y <= 4; y++)

char NameOfVariable[] = "ABC";
if (y==3)
cout<<"Please Enter Plotting Range for "<<endl;
cout <<"X1"<< ":";
getInt (&array[3], b);
if (b == false) {
else {
if (y == 4) {
cout << "Please Enter Plotting Range for" << endl;
cout << "X2" << ":";
getInt(&array[4], b);
if (b == false) {
} else {
cout << "Please Enter An Integery for Variable" << endl;
cout << NameOfVariable[y] << ":";
getInt(&array[y], b);
if (b == false) {


int VariableA = array[0];

int VariableB = array[1];

int VariableC = array[2];

int Xrange1 = array[3];

int Xrange2 = array[4];

//MathRun (VariableA, VariableB,VariableC ,Xrange1,Xrange2);


cout<<"Do you want to restart the program again? y/n"<<endl;
b = true;
char c;
std::cout << " waht is c = " << std::endl;
if (c =='y'){
std::cout << "it is y " << std::endl;
// reset the array, before running the while loop again, it will crash otherwise.
array[0] = 0;
restart = true;
std::cout << "it is not y " << std::endl;
restart = false;

return 0;

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