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#include "std_lib_facilities.h";
// swap - swaps a given char value by + 1
// ex: char_value'a' temporarily becomes 'b' and
// char_value 'd' temporarily becomes 'e'.
// the program exits by printing the swapped value,
// but never changes the value passed.
void swap(char char_value)
// ensure we don't swap past 'z'
// we don't want any input past z
if (char(char_value) == 'z') {} // don't do a swap
else {
// create a temp variable that contains the swapped value.
char temp = char(char_value + 1);
// output the new temp char and int value.
cout << "SWAPED VALUE:\n";
cout << char(temp) << '\t' << int(temp) << '\n';
int main() try {
// integer value of the character 'z'
constexpr int char_z = 122;
// integer value of alphabetic letter we start with
int starting_letter = 97; // 97 = a , 98 = b, ..., 122 = z.
// Welcome and prompt the user for input
cout << "Please enter a character value. The program does not\n"
<< "accept integers, doubles, ect. ONLY character values.\n"
<< "ex: a, b, e, h, d\n";
cout << "Input a vlaue please: "; // prompt
//variable used for gathering user input
char users_letter;
// input a char, any integer values will break the loop
// fix?: when we input 98 it does a char check, '9' then '8'.
// not a big issue just slightly ugly.
while (cin >> users_letter) {
// check to make sure our input is alphabetical and valid.
if (!isalpha(users_letter) || users_letter > 'z' || users_letter < 'a') { // error case
cout << "Input is non alphabetical < " << users_letter << " >\n";
cout << "Input another value please: "; // ugly but usable.
else { // create our starting letter and move on to loop to 'z'.
starting_letter = int(users_letter);
// our character counter, to ensure we increment
// the starting letter properly each time.
int char_type = 0;
// ex: input = a, input becomes 98, i = 98.. ect
for (int i = int(starting_letter); i < (char_z + 1); ++i) {
cout << "ORIGONAL VALUE:\n";
cout << char(i + char_type) << '\t' << int(i + char_type) << '\n';
//swap(char(char(i) + char_type)); // optional function, comment out if you don't want it.
// await user input before closing program
catch (runtime_error e) {
cout << e.what() << endl;