cannot instatiate abstract class

class CD3DRenderer : public CRenderInterface
bool Initialize(int w, int h, WinHWND mainWin, bool fullScreen);
void Shutdown();
void SetClearCol(float r, float g, float b);
void StartRender(bool bColor, bool bDepth, bool bStencil);
void ClearBuffers(bool bColor, bool bDepth, bool bStencil);
void EndRendering();
// void SetMaterial(stMaterial *mat);

void CalculateProjMatrix(float fov, float n, float f);
void CalculateOrthoMatrix(float n, float f);

int CreateStaticBuffer(VertexType, PrimType, int totalVerts, int totalIndices,
int stride, void **data, unsigned int *indices, int *staticId);

int Render(int staticId);
void OneTimeInit();
D3DCOLOR m_Color;
LPDIRECT3D9 m_Direct3D;
bool m_renderingScene;

stD3DStaticBuffer *m_staticBufferList;
int m_numStaticBuffers;
int m_activeStaticBuffer;

bool CreateD3DRenderer(CRenderInterface **pObj);

bool CreateD3DRenderer(CRenderInterface **pObj)
if(!*pObj) *pObj = new CD3DRenderer;// I get the error c2259 cannot instatiate abstract class here,why?
return false;

return true;
Haven't used those classes before but did see a couple references on the web that might help.

The general idea I read is that CD3DRenderer is a base class w/ some pure virtual member functions so you need to inherit the class first and implement the abstract functions before trying to instatiate the object.
Have you implemented any of the functions from your class?
Have you implemented all of the functions you inherit from the interface?

You should also use new CD3DRendered();

Abstract class is a class with pure-virtual methods. This is probably because the interface has some pure-virtual methods you have not implemented.
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