Crazy IDE Pointer programs problem

When I create a program with pointers...then close and create a second program...then compile and run the NEW program, instead the OLD program runs that I closed????

Very frustrating and yet happens every time unless I not only close Dev C++, but restart my computer...

Get a better IDE?
Turns out...if I close the PROJECT and start the next program as a new project...problem fixed...

closed account (E0p9LyTq)
Dev C++ and the included compiler are years out of date. Get a newer IDE.
What do you recommend??
closed account (E0p9LyTq)
A good and free Windows IDE is Visual Studio 2017 Community.

A good cross-platform IDE, also free, is Code::Blocks. Windows, Linux and Mac versions available.

I've used both and I personally prefer VS2017 as my primary compiler/IDE. I use C::B as an alternate compiler for testing purposes. I try to make my code as close to C++ standard as I can.
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