Decompress Function.

Hi everyone, previously I had to write a compress function, which I will put below. Now I have to write a decompress function, I am lost on this I do not really know how to do this. Any help is appreciated.

unsigned int compress(unsigned int age, unsigned int grade, char sex, double GPA)

if ((age < 3) || (age > 18)) return 0;
if ((sex != 'M') && (sex != 'F')) return 0;
if (grade > 15) return 0;
if ((GPA < 0.0) || (GPA > 4.0)) return 0;

age -= 3;
sex = (sex == 'F') ? 0 : 1;

unsigned int gpa = (unsigned int)GPA;
GPA -= gpa;
GPA *= 10.0;
unsigned int gpa_frac = (unsigned int)(GPA + 0.5);

return (gpa_frac) + (gpa << 4) + (sex << 7) + (grade << 8) + (age << 12);

Here is my main for the decompress function.

// decompress: decompresses the low-order 16 bits of info and
// returns age, grade, sex, and GPA
void decompress(unsigned int info, unsigned int& age,

unsigned int& grade, char& sex, double& GPA);

extern const int N = sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT; // # of bits in an int

int main()
unsigned int age, grade, info;
char sex;
double GPA;

// Prepare for floating-point output format; show one digitafter
// the decimal point
cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1);

printLine(78, cout);

cout << setw(76) << "33222222222211111111110000000000" << endl;
cout << " Age Grade Sex GPA Compress "
<< "10987654321098765432109876543210" << endl;

printLine(78, cout);
while (cin >> info)
decompress(info, age, grade, sex, GPA);
cout << setw(5) << age << setw(8) << grade << setw(7) << sex
<< setw(8) << GPA << setw(11) << info << setw(5) << " "<< bitset<N>(info) <<endl;

printLine(78, cout);
void printLine(int length, ostream& os)
char ch = os.fill();
os << setfill(’-’) << setw(length) << "-" << setfill(ch) << e
Please don't delete your posts when you get answer.
I am not anymore. It was selfish and stupid. Apologies kbw.
This is your compression.
return (gpa_frac) + (gpa << 4) + (sex << 7) + (grade << 8) + (age << 12);

Are you able to describe the algorithm in words?

The decompress will be the converse, express that in words, then translate it to code.
Wow, helpful to see it that way. Thanks.
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