c++ problem

using namespace std;
int main()

int i =8,x=3;
switch (i % 2 ? 0:1)
case 0: x/=2;
case 1: x+=3;
case 2: x*=4;
cout<<"x = "<<x;
return 0;
why x=24 and switch (i % 2 ? 0:1) what it mean
anyone can explain to me
i % 2 evaluates as 0 ...
... which translates to boolean false ...
... which means that the result of the ternary expression i % 2 ? 0 : 1 is the latter of the two options, namely 1.

So the switch does case 1: that is, it adds 3 to x, making x become 6.


it drops through to the next case 2 (because there was no break; in between) ...
... multiplies x by 4 ...
... making x become 24.

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thank you your explanation.
i understand.
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