I really need your help , so I have a project where I have two classes Personne and Patient, and where patient inherits from personne, also I have a file that contains two columns (Latitude , longitudes) of doctors, what I need is to calculate distance betweek each patient and each doctor in the file
/*------ Patient function that fill a vector with random Latitude and longitude----*/
void Patient:: fillPatient(vector <Patient>& NewPatient)
int etat =0;
double LatPa;
double LongPa;
double min1 = 45.173886;
double max1 = 45.213861;
double min = 0.673541;
double max = 0.747362;
//unsigned int size = NewPatient.size();
for (unsignedint i =0; i<100; i++){
LatPa = min1 + ((max1 - min1) * (rand () / (double) RAND_MAX));
LongPa = min + ((max - min) * (rand () / (double) RAND_MAX));
etat ++;
Patient NewPat(etat,LatPa, LongPa);
/*-------- function calculate distance ------*/
double Personne::distance( double latA, double longA, double latB, double longB ) // latitude and longitude of arbitrary entities
constexprdouble degToRad = 3.14159265358979 / 180.0; // conversion factor, evaluated at compile time
constdouble radEarth = 6371; // mean radius of the earth in km
latA *= degToRad; // convert to radians (if originally in degrees)
longA *= degToRad;
latB *= degToRad;
longB *= degToRad;
double cosAngle = sin( latA ) * sin( latB ) + cos( latA ) * cos( latB ) * cos( longA - longB );
// cosine of angle between position vectors, from spherical coordinates and dot product
return radEarth * acos( cosAngle ); // great-circle distance ( "r x theta" )
/*------main function -------*/
int main()
ifstream myfile ("C:/Program Files/text.csv");//file that contains latitude and longitude of doctors and it has 2 columns and 379 lignes
int lineNumber = 0;
int lineNumberSought = 400; // you may get it as argument
/*------ Reation d'un vecteur d'objets Patients------*/
vector <Patient> myPat;
if (myfile.is_open())
while (getline(myfile,line)) {
istringstream myline(line);
while(getline(myline, csvItem, ';')) {
//cout << csvItem << endl;
for ( k = 0; k < 2; k++ ){
// for (int j =0;j<4; j++){
for( j =0; j <379 ; j++ ){
distanc[j][i] = atof(csvItem.c_str());
double dist = Personne::distance(myPat[k].GetLat(), myPat[k].GetLong(), distanc[j][0] ,distanc[j][1] );
cout << "The distance between patient" << k + 1 << " and doctor " << j + 1 << " is " << dist << "km " << endl;
// k++;
cout << "pas de fichier"<<endl;