How to design a console ?

I want a make a user-defined console in c++ which can accept user input and display something . I want to customize the console window size , test color , window header ,etc .I want to display a prompt say RAHUL>> . Beside the prompt the user should be able to type some command which I should read in program and display the output. Plzz help me how to achieve this .
I can give you the input code:

#include <iostream>
char input;
int main () {
std::cin >> input;

Although it only reads the first letter that is typed in..
That's not what OP asked for. What OP wants to write is a terminal emulator, like xterm, gnome-terminal, mintty, konsole, or windows' cmd.

Terminal emulators are usually not one program (with the exception, AFAIK, of cmd). For example, gnome-terminal loads a specified shell that knows how to communicate with an xterm (gnome-terminal actually emulates xterm, and xterm emulates a real terminal). It is the shell which communicates with the user, through the terminal emulator.

Learn to use a graphics library. Be warned that this will not be an easy task.

Something like SFML:
Librarys. Not my thing.

Only two things are infinitie. The universe and human stupidiy. And I don't think the former dosen't count. - Albert Einstien
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Libraries. Infinity. Stupidity. Einstein. Also, you got the quote wrong.

Or was that just a poor stab at sarcasm that didn't make sense anyway?
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No. Are you a 9-year-old smart brain that insults everyone?
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smart brain? I don't think he insulted you, although it is hard to believe that you can program C++ with that many spelling mistakes :P haha

OP, I'd say just using the standard windows command prompt would be best and just create your own keywords to use once the user runs your .exe. A lot less work, and basically the same results!
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No. Are you a 9-year-old smart brain that insults everyone?

Why does every form have people who get snappy at pretty much nothing.
Why, yes, I am.
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