CAlculat students grades

Oct 10, 2017 at 9:27pm
This quest is going to improve upon the previous quest. We are now going to keep track of up to 30 student names and grades for up to 10 assignments. We should also bring in and adjust the code from the previous assignment in order to be able to curve a column of grades.
You will need an array of strings for the student names and a two dimensional array of ints for the grades. Grades are stored as percents You will also need variables to keep track of the number of students and number of assignments already entered. Your programs should also ensure that no more than 30 students are added and no more than 10 assignments.
The program should do the following:
Ask for the number of students in the class.
Ask for the name of each student and add it to the array.
Clear the screen
NEATLY display the list of students and grades
This should be done neatly. Use \t to line up columns
You can use .size() to find the length of an assignment's name to limit its length or add more \t
string myString = "hello";
cout >> myString.size():
The above will output : 5
Ask if you want to:
Add a student:
asks for student name and adds to array
asks for grades for every assignment already created and adds to two dimensional array.
Add an assignment:
Display student's name and ask for their grade
add grade to proper spot in two dimensional array
repeat for all students
Curve a grade
ask for assignment #
curve the grade for that assignment as done in Quest 1
exit the program.
unless Quit is chosen, steps 3-5 should be repeated

this is what I have so far, Im attending school at the university
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
//#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()

int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int numStudents[i];
string studentsName[30];
int studentsGrades;

cout << "how many students are in the class?" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < numStudents; i++)
cin >> numStudents[i]; }

cout << "Please enter your students names(s). " << endl;

cin >> studentsName[i];

cout << "Please enter the following students grades. " << studentName << endl;
for (j = 0; j <= numAssignments; j++)
cin << studentsGrades[i][j];

return 0;
Oct 11, 2017 at 1:59am

this isn't the way to take array limits

cout << "how many students are in the class?" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < numStudents; i++)
cin >> numStudents[i]; }

this is definitely not the way to print an array elements

cout << "Please enter your students names(s). " << endl;

cin >> studentsName[i];

this might help :

P.S. : Please use code tags
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