Performing Post-Build Event

Hello everyone! It happens when I try to run the project.

error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event ..."

Do not know how to hit this problem. What should I do?
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This is an English forum. Post is gonna have to be in English.
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Well, technically it's a Spanish forum because Twicker is from Spain, but there you go...

What toolchain (e.g. compiler, assembler, linker, IDE, etc.) are you using (e.g. microsoft, GNU, borland, etc.)?
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008. And with the NxOgre.
Well it sounds like a setup issue, try re-installing.
Look at Project properties -> Configuration properties -> Build Events -> Post-Build Event.
There are command line that executed after succesful build process.
Some tool from this command line executes with errors and returns error code.
Thanks. I will check the Post-Build Event, but I believe my problem is at files in system.
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