Game help...

Okie dokie so I want to create a time management game. However, I'm not even sure where to start. I have yet to find any good decent tutorials that have to do with the coding. So any suggestions of where I could or should start is much appreciated.
what's a 'time management game'?
Its also called a resource management game. Kinda like diner dash or delicious series.
If you wish to make it graphically, you need a programming interface for windows with a canvas. A relatively easy to use provides e.g. the <a href="">SFML</a> framework.

For the core processing you could use a list where the tasks will added on and staying till if their living time will be elapsed or the user clicks on them.

Here a pseudo code example:

event: hungry_guest1, hungry_guest2, ...

    maybe add a randomly selected event to list, setting its living time
    wait for some time (e.g. 50ms)
    if some event got clicked, treat this event and remove it from list
    decrease the living time for each event
    remove all events whose living time got elapsed
repeat until level time is elapsed

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You don't need a graphic interface to do this, you can use the terminal. It will basically be a while loop that continues forever until a certain event happens, like the user forces an exit or termination conditions are met
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