Rectangular Prallelipiped

You were given areas of three faces of a rectangular parallelepiped. Your task was to find the sum of lengths of it's sides.
Let a, b and c be the lengths of the sides that have one common vertex. Then the numbers we are given are s1 = ab, s2 = bc ,s3 = ca. It is easy to find the lengths in terms of faces areas: a = sqrt(s1*s3 / s2) , b = sqrt(s1*s2 / s3), c = sqrt(s2*s3 / s1) The answer is 4(a + b + c), because there are four sides that have lengths equal to a, b and c. The complexity is O(1).

I don't get the reasons behind the sqrt's , I am not good with shapes xD. I don't know made it reach this solution under the square root. what I concluded is that we multiply by the areas that share a side and divide by the one that doesn't under the square root, but still.. why LOL what property about this "rectangular parallelepiped" makes it work this way?
"Rectangular parallelepiped" might as well just be called "cuboid" - the edges are orthogonal (at 90 degrees), but it isn't a "cube" because the sides aren't of equal length.

It's unfortunate that they use symbols s1 for ... area!

Anyway, s1 = a * b (or just ab) as the area of a rectangle. Similarly for the others. Then
s1*s3/s2 = = a2. Take the square root, et voilà! sqrt(s1*s3/s2) = a. Similarly for the others.

Thinking of it as a cuboid, there are 4 sides of length a, 4 sides of length b, 4 sides of length c, so the sum of the sharp edges is 4a+4b+4c = 4(a+b+c).

If it wasn't a "rectangular" parallelepiped then, for example, the area
s1 = ab.sin(theta),
where theta is the angle between the sides. Makes the final formulae a lot less pretty. Fundamentally, it's the fact that theta = 90 degrees in a rectangular parallelepiped that "makes it work that way".

If you want the volume of a general parallelepiped (imagine shearing your rectangular parallelepiped sideways) then it is the classic scalar triple product of side vectors a, b and c:
a dot ( b cross c )
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