So I was wondering if someone could give me a point in the right direction here. I have a program I'm looking to build that will take a string from a text file and is supposed to concatenate on to it the date of the last work day, so Tuesday would grab Mondays date, Monday would grab Fridays date, if its the May 1st it grabs a date from April etc, in the form of MMDDYY. So for example if today is Tuesday May 1st my program would produce the string DataLine1_04302017.
I don't have access to an IDE at the moment to play around and test things with and it's something I want to work on when I get home later today. I know how to do all the string altering and text printouts, I'm just wondering if the time.h or ctime library support what I'm trying to do with the date as is, or if I'm going to need to play around with some if statements and math to get the month changes right.