C++ Windows Api

hello,I'm Learning Windows Api.I used Borland C++ program.I want to run file powerpoint(.pps) Borland C++ on the desktop but it must be any button that enter the keyboard.
Please Help Me!
Um, can you restate the question more clearly? It sounds like you want to make a program that runs PowerPoint slideshows but I don't understand:

kilikyali wrote:
it must be any button that enter the keyboard
Hello, again!

Excuse me for my unclearly asked question.
I want to run the powerpoint slideshow with Borland C++ .
The running slideshow should also go on with C++.

Here you can see an example, only to illustrate my problem:

void main()
unsigned a;
fp=fopen("a", "r+");

With this program you can see over there (C++) , the picture and
slideshow is going on. But my interest is that it goes on on the desktop.
Can the slideshow with C++ go on when I push a given button on the desktop?
The slideshow must also work on the desktop.

I would be very happy if you answer me!

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