C++ to TASM

So hello guys, I need to convert my c++ code into TASM :/ just because for school,
So yeah, is there any program that can compile c++ code into TASM? I don't have time to study TASM for now. Thanks guys
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I need to convert my c++ code into TASM

I am guessing that is the entire point of the assignment?

The compiler can produce assembler code, but it won't look much like how it would if you had manually done it - you teacher will recognise that you cheated straight away.
It's okay, I just want too see it when compiled to TASM but I don't know how to convert it
tell your compiler to generate the assembly language listing, and it will.
Understanding assembler gives a lot of insight into what you code is doing, its worth the trouble, and you only need the basics to get a lot from it.

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