Theater Management

So i'm currently in an introductory C++ class. Most of the assignment have been relatively simple and I've been able to figure them out on my own except the last one. This is the assignment. I have no idea how to even get started as most of our other assignments were no where near this difficult.

Thanks for the help!

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Did you just send us the adress to your local file? lol...

Edit your post and post your code here. Make sure to put the code between code tags to make it readable -

The link describes the assignment. I don't have any code yet since I have no idea where to even start.
The link describes the assignment

The file at that link is relative to your system's root directory. We cannot access it.
You need to post the assignment description somewhere publicly accessible and provide a link to it, not merely a link to your private local copy.
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My apologies. Here is the description of the assignment.

1.Write a program that can be used to manage the sales of tickets of a generic Theatre. 2.Requirements (in no particular order):

i. The program should prompt the user/ticket agent repeatedly (with an option to quit the program) for the number of tickets, the price category of the ticket and provide the ticketing agent with the option for the program to automatically search for the best available tickets in the required ticket price category. The program should then allocate the best available seats (your logic needed here) and “issue” the tickets by marking the allocated seats as occupied and provide the agent with the total price of the tickets (including tax of 7%) and the seat numbers. If the ticket agent opts not to use the automatic search for the best available ticket option then it should show a map of the available seats for that ticket price category and prompt the agent to enter the Row and Seat numbers for the tickets that need to get purchased. The program should then check the availability and “issue” the tickets by marking those seats as being taken and also provide the agent with the total price of the tickets (including tax of 7%). The program should repeatedly do this and provide the user/ticket agent an option to quit the program.
ii. If the automatic search option is used, the program should attempt to ensure that all the seats are together. If it cannot allocate all the seats that are together, it should split the seats across multiple available seats and warn the ticketing agent appropriately.
iii. The program should also keep track of the total tickets sold and the total amount of money collected and provide the appropriate options to display this on the user/ticket agents request.
iv. The program should also allow the agent to process refunds i.e. mark the seats for tickets returned as “available” and calculate the refund amount and display the amount. This portion of the code should prompt the user/ticket agent for the seat numbers of the tickets that are being returned and should automatically calculate the refund amount (including tax) and update all the information stored internally.
v. The system should also have an option to display the availability map of the seats by price category (see a sample of what it could look like on page #4). This is just a display to allow the user to browse the available seats. It is different from the option above where the map is displayed while executing a sales transaction.

The theater layout is supposed to be from 1-16 with an aisle between 8 and 9 and from A-P with an aisle between H and I.

Does anybody have any ideas?
I don't have any code yet since I have no idea where to even start.

Well, this is going to sound boring, but it is a really effective method: write some pseudo code :+) Write comments in your IDE's editor, they can remain there as a form of documentation when the code is finished.

Start out very general even if it is just 1 item : Sell Ticket.

Then go back and refine:

//Sell Ticket
//    Prompt number of tickets
//    Prompt Price category
//    Prompt Search Option 

Continue to refine until you are ready to convert the comments into code.

It is a very good methodology: one can work out where loops are, what should be in a function, help decide what types the variables are going to be, generally helps organise one's thoughts.

Good Luck !!
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