Tic tac toe

Hello I am kind of stuck with my minimax algorithm in this tictactoe AI.

The program just crashes "Not responding" whenever I debug calling the function on CPU turn move

I would like some assistance but unfortunately I can't post the code here because its around 1300 lines so I'll leave a dropbox link for the .cpp file and I hope someone can tell me what's causing the crash.

PS: Many things are still not implemented in the general code, I only need help with the AI algorithm [minimax]

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In your function minimax I got a stack overflow at line so this might be a problem with a endless recursion
bestMove = min(bestMove,  minimax(depth + 1, !isMaximized));

Does this function has to be recurcive ?
Yes supposedly I tried to implement the function using this algorithm explanation mainly:

Thanks for whoever tried to think of it, it was this part that made the conflict:

if (movesleft() == true)

Just changed it to

if (board[i] != 'X' && board[i] != 'O')

and it worked heh!
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