app development using sdl2

closed account (N8RzwA7f)
I'm mostly finished with my app in C++/sdl2.

but how do I add the possibility for a user to buy the premium version in app?

and how do I add it to google play ?
I wrote the app using orwell devC++ and mingw .

thanks :)
closed account (N8RzwA7f)
Can someone please just answer really quick?
I'm not at all sure what to do next.
Like I said, I have my app developed with orwell devC++ and mingw. Off course using c++ with sdl2.

But do I need to follow all the steps on this page in order to be able to add my app to google play?

I read this several times but I'm just not sure.

also, would I need to follow these steps then before adding in app payment options ? :

thanks :)
But do I need to follow all the steps on this page in order to be able to add my app to google play?
Well you may skip the parts which you have already done. Like downloading the SDL framework. But yes, this is pretty much what you have to do. Due to the good description it shouldn't be to hard?

also, would I need to follow these steps then before adding in app payment options ? :
It is for QT you are not using. I guess that in google play you can choose whether the app is free or not.
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