ERROR 2019

I have multiple errors related to my code source and i don't know how to correct them.
In this project, i need to put each fonction in a .cpp and their header.

Here are the errors:
Erreur LNK2019 symbole externe non résolu "int __cdecl LireFichierDeReponses(struct Reponse &,bool * const,bool * const,bool * const,struct FeuilleReponse * const,struct Repondant * const)" (?LireFichierDeReponses@@YAHAAUReponse@@QA_N11QAUFeuilleReponse@@QAURepondant@@@Z) référencé dans la fonction _main
it's the same error 11 other times with only the name of functions diiferent.

Thank you so much
How does your project look like? What compiler/ide do you use?

I would think that you did not add the *.cpp files properly.
In the main function (Sondage.cpp), it projects the result of each function that start with Stat and the function lire_reponse helps them by taking answers from a doc.text where people answered the questions then i do statistic.
I'm using visual studio c++ build +intellisense.

Thank you for helping me
All of the *.cpp files (and optionally header) must appear in the 'Solution Explorer'. Otherwise they are not compiled and cannot be linked.
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