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std::string path = "C:\\Users\\Lord Brebo\\Desktop\\us-pop-by-state-with-electors-2015.txt";
std::ifstream file;
std::string *stateName;
int *pop, electors, siz=1, count=0, totalPop=0, i=0;
double percentWithinSD = 0.0, meanPop = 0.0, SDPop = 0.0, pos=0.0, neg=0.0;
//two arrays, one for stateName and one for poplulation
stateName = new std::string[siz];
pop = new int[siz];
if (!file)
cout << "unable to open file: " << path << endl;
return -1;
file >> siz;
while (!file.eof())
file >> stateName[i] >> pop[i] >> electors;
//calculate mean
while (i=0, pop[i] < siz, i++)
totalPop += pop[i];
meanPop = totalPop / siz;
//calculate Variance
cout << "US Population Statistics as of 2015 (" << siz << " states)" << endl;
cout << " Total population: " << totalPop << endl;
cout << " Population mean: " << meanPop << endl;
cout << " Population standard deviation: " << SDPop << endl;
cout << " States whose population is within .5 standard deviations of the mean:" << endl;
//list states within .5 Standard deviation
while (i = 0, i < siz, i++)
if (neg >= pop[i] <= pos)
cout << stateName[i] << endl;
//calculate % of states that fit ^^^^ that
cout << percentWithinSD << "% of the states are within .5 standard deviations of the mean population" << endl;
return 0;