intro to C++ need hw help

First of all hello to all. I am taking intro to c++ class and this homework problem has me confused on how to even go about writing my code since we haven't really cover anything like this in class, any help would be appreciated.

The history teacher at your school needs help in grading a True/False test. The students’ID numbers and test answers are stored in a file. The first entry in the file contains answers to the test in the form
Every other entry in the file is the student ID number, followed by a #, followed by the student’s response. For example, the entry
123456#TF FT
indicates that the student's ID is 123456 and the answer to question 1 is True, the answer to question 2 is False, the student did not answer question 3 (blank), the answer to question 4 is False, and the answer to question 5 is True. The exam has 5 questions, and the class has 25 students (use const variables to store these). Each correct answer is awarded twenty points, each wrong answer gets –10 point, and no answer gets 0 points. Write a program that processes the test data. The output should print the following. First line should be the solution, i.e. Exam Key. Next, the data should be formatted in a Table to print: the student’s name, followed by the answers, followed by the test score, followed by the test grade. Assume the following grade scale: 90%–100%,A; 80%–89.99%, B; 70%–79.99%, C; 60%–69.99%, D; and 0%–59.99%, F. Use
manipulators from <iomanip> to format the output neatly in well-aligned rows and
columns and write the data to a file as shown in the sample output. Use the input file called "input_hw6.txt" that is provided. Remember to use file error checking and close files when done. Hint: Use the get() function to read student answers, because you need to read ' ' blank too. Example if you used a ifstream variable called in_file and have a char variable called student_ans to read the student answers, then you can read a single char (letter) from the file using the statement: in_file.get(student_ans);

sample output file

Exam Key: TFFTF

Student ID Solution Score Grrade
224461 TFFTF 100 A
309223 TFFFF 70 C
897785 TFTTF 70 C
338577 TFTTF 10 F

Do you know how to read input from file and write to file?
yes but not too much.
Read all the number up to the '#' as the student ID token, and split the T/F individually and compare with answer key. Get the score and the grade and write it into the file.
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