Just need help transfering this psuedocode to C++

// Pseudocode PLD Chapter 9 #2 pg. 421
// Start
// Declarations
// num dollars
// output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: "
// input dollars
// while ( dollars <> 0)
// displayBills(dollars)
// output "Please enter the a whole dollar amount (no cents!). Input 0 to terminate: "
// input dollars
// endwhile
// Stop
// displayBills(num dollars)
// Declarations
// num ones
// num fives
// num tens
// num twenties
// num temp
// twenties = dollars / 20
// temp = dollars % 20
// tens = temp / 10
// temp = temp % 10
// fives = temp / 5
// ones = temp % 5
// output "The dollar amount of ", dollars, " can be represented by the following monetary denominations"
// output " Twenties: ", twenties
// output " Tens: ", tens
// output " Fives: ", fives
// output " Ones: ", ones
// return
closed account (48T7M4Gy)
Gee, Mej you've been on this one for a year - pretty tiring I'll bet.

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