c++ name saving implementation

(I couldn't seem to figure out how to delete this post so i made it into another)

How could i implement my script to create a text file and write say a 'players name', so if the file isn't present it'll tell you to put your name down for the file, but if the file is present, it'll skip the name stage and simply display the name on the page and it'll keep that variable for the game until closed?

if i could implement things as well from my stats and were i'm up to in the story that'd be great if someone could kindly explain how and if its even possible for c++.
before anyone asks, that is if it needs 'sfml', i cant seem to compile the file onto visual studio 2012 as that's what is available for our school cause the b.o.s wont update it for us. so i cant get it sadly :( just in case
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Duplicate of http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/212710/ .

Please don't post multiple threads on the same topic. It fragments discussion, and wastes everyone's time (including yours).

Please delete one of your threads, so that discussion can be focused in one place.
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