How to bind SQL Server large string length data type with CRecordset derived class ?

Can any expert help me?

I'm using the MFC ODBC consumer wizard to create my CRecorset derived class to bind fields of my SQL Server table.

But at run-time at rs->Open(...) line, it launches a Debug Assertion Failed message.

I already realized that it is about of having a char(500) field in my table. That is the cause!
And I read somewhere that MFC allows binding to less than 256 characters length by default.

Is there any way or any function that I can call before the Open function to set as maximum length to 500 for the binding ?

Here's some code:

in SQL Server I have my TABLE:
id int
my_string char(500)

in Visual Studio I have this class generated by the wizard:
class CMyClassRS : public CRecordset
CMyClassRS(CDatabase* pDatabase = NULL);

int m_id;
CStringA m_my_string;

and in my main:
CMyClassRS *rs = new CMyClassRS();

rs->Open(CRecordset::snapshot,"select * from TABLE");

//Here it launches the message at run-time

I'll really appreciate any help.

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Any help please ?!
Maybe this helps:
Character data beyond 255 characters is truncated by default when mapped to CString. You can extend the truncation length by explicitly setting the nMaxLength argument of RFX_Text.

Wow!! so simple solution!

void CMyClassRS ::DoFieldExchange(CFieldExchange* pFX)
RFX_Text(pFX, _T("[my_string]"), m_my_string, 500);

Really thanks Thomas, helped a lot.
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