chocolate vending machine errors
Mar 30, 2017 at 11:21pm UTC
On line 32, i am having an error saying '<':signed/unsigned mismatch, can anybody please tell me why this is? also, from lines 98 it is saying 'Chocolate_Dispenser' is an undeclared identifier, can anyone help me understand why this is please?
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enum state { Out_Of_Chocolate, No_Credit, Has_Credit, Dispenses_Chocolate, Maintenance_Mode };
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class StateContext;
class State
protected :
StateContext* CurrentContext;
public :
State(StateContext* Context) { CurrentContext = Context; }
virtual ~State(void ) {}
class StateContext
protected :
State* CurrentState = nullptr ;
int stateIndex = 0;
vector<State*> availableStates;
public :
virtual ~StateContext(void );
virtual void setState(state newState);
virtual int getStateIndex(void );
StateContext::~StateContext(void )
for (int i = 0; i < this ->availableStates.size(); i++) delete this ->availableStates[i];
this ->availableStates.clear();
void StateContext::setState(state newState)
this ->CurrentState = availableStates[newState];
this ->stateIndex = newState;
int StateContext::getStateIndex(void )
return this ->stateIndex;
class Transition
public :
virtual bool insertMoney(int ) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
virtual bool makeSelection(int ) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
virtual bool moneyRejected(void ) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
virtual bool addChocolate(int ) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
virtual bool dispense(void ) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
virtual bool enterPin(int pin) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
virtual bool exit(void ) { cout << "Error!" << endl; return false ; }
class ChocoState : public State, public Transition
public :
ChocoState(StateContext* Context) : State(Context) {}
class OutOfChocolate : public ChocoState
public :
OutOfChocolate(StateContext* Context) : ChocoState(Context) {}
bool addChocolate(int number);
class NoCredit : public ChocoState
public :
NoCredit(StateContext* Context) : ChocoState(Context) {}
bool insertMoney(int credit);
class HasCredit : public ChocoState
public :
HasCredit(StateContext* Context) : ChocoState(Context) {}
bool insertMoney(int credit);
bool makeSelection(int option);
bool moneyRejected(void );
class DispensesChocolate : public ChocoState
public :
DispensesChocolate(StateContext* Context) : ChocoState(Context) {}
bool dispense(void );
bool OutOfChocolate::addChocolate(int number)
((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->inventory += number;
cout << "Adding chocolate... Inventory = " << ((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->inventory << endl;
return true ;
bool NoCredit::insertMoney(int credit)
((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit += credit;
cout << "Adding credit... credit = " << ((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit << endl;
return true ;
bool HasCredit::insertMoney(int credit)
((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit += credit;
cout << "Adding credit... Credit = " << ((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit << endl;
return true ;
bool HasCredit::makeSelection(int option)
//the option will be equal to the number of bars that the customer has selected
cout << "You have selected " << option << " bar(s) of chocolate" << endl;
if (((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext) ->inventory < option)
cout << "Error: you have selected more chocolate than the machine contains" << endl;
return true ;
if (((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit < option)
cout << "Error: you don't have enough credit for that selection" << endl;
return true ;
cout << "Credit and inventory is sufficient for your selection" << endl;
((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->inventory -= option; //deduct inventory
((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit -= option; //deduct credit
return true ;
bool HasCredit::moneyRejected(void )
cout << "Rejectng money...." << endl;
((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit = 0;
return true ;
bool DispensesChocolate::dispense(void )
cout << "Dispensing..." << endl;
cout << "Inventory = " << ((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->inventory << endl;
cout << "Credit = " << ((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit << endl;
if (((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->inventory == 0) CurrentContext->setState(Out_Of_Chocolate);
else if (((Chocolate_Dispenser*)CurrentContext)->credit == 0) CurrentContext->setState(No_Credit);
else CurrentContext->setState(Has_Credit);
return true ;
class Chocolate_Dispenser : public StateContext, public Transition
friend class OutOfChocolate;
friend class NoCredit;
friend class HasCredit;
friend class DispensesChocolate;
private :
int inventory = 0; //number of chocolate
int credit = 0; //measure of the number of bars that can be purchased and not money
public :
Chocolate_Dispenser(void );
bool insertMoney(int credit);
bool makeSelection(int option);
bool moneyRejected(void );
bool enterPin(int pin);
bool exit(void );
bool addChocolate(int number);
bool dispense(void );
Chocolate_Dispenser::Chocolate_Dispenser(void )
this ->availableStates.push_back(new OutOfChocolate(this ));
this ->availableStates.push_back(new NoCredit(this ));
this ->availableStates.push_back(new HasCredit(this ));
this ->availableStates.push_back(new DispensesChocolate(this ));
this ->setState(Out_Of_Chocolate);
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::insertMoney(int credit)
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->insertMoney(credit);
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::makeSelection(int option)
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->makeSelection(option);
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::moneyRejected(void )
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->moneyRejected();
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::addChocolate(int number)
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->addChocolate(number);
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::dispense(void )
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->dispense();
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::enterPin(int pin)
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->enterPin(pin);
bool Chocolate_Dispenser::exit(void )
return ((ChocoState*)CurrentState)->exit();
int main(void )
Chocolate_Dispenser MyDispenser;
return 0;
Last edited on Mar 30, 2017 at 11:21pm UTC
Mar 31, 2017 at 1:29am UTC
Mar 31, 2017 at 10:21am UTC
1) As TheIdeasMan says, please don't start multiple threads on the same topic.
On line 32, i am having an error saying '<':signed/unsigned mismatch, can anybody please tell me why this is?
You've declared
i to be a signed
int .
std::vector::size() returns a
size_t , which is unsigned.
also, from lines 98 it is saying 'Chocolate_Dispenser' is an undeclared identifier, can anyone help me understand why this is please?
You don't define
Chocolate_Dispenser until later in the file. At the point where the compiler tries to process line 98, it has no idea what that symbol means.
Last edited on Mar 31, 2017 at 10:21am UTC
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